Never Enough Time?
I can’t believe it. January flew by so quickly I never got around to posting a new blog. Yes, well… such is life.
John and I once heard someone accuse American Christians of having a faulty view of time management. This gentleman said most Christians start every day with a “to-do list.” It’s either written on a calendar, in a notebook, or posted on the refrigerator. Perhaps it’s in their electronic planner, or maybe it’s just a mental list. Regardless, their list is so long that if they were honest, they would have to admit there would be no chance of completing every task in one twenty-four hour period. Consequently they fall into bed each night, exhausted, feeling like failures, because once again the sun has set on their unfinished chores. How demoralizing!
I have to admit I’ve spent great periods of my life living with that type of relentless sense of frustration over unreached goals. It’s as though I’ve held to the belief that, “there are never enough hours in any day to do the things I need to do.”
The same person who criticized the time management of North American Christians, went on to state what he believes to be God’s better view. He said, “I don’t believe that there are never enough hours in any day to do the things I need to do. Instead… I believe that there are always enough hours in every day to do every thing that God needs me to do.”
Ah…..that was freeing! That was refreshing! After all, God wouldn’t seek to frustrate His children by giving them daily assignments which He knew they could never complete. He would only give jobs that were within the scope of possibility.
My job then becomes figuring out what God wants me to do with today. Granted, that can pose its’ own challenge… particularly because I love to pack my days full of “my” stuff, rather than His.
Nevertheless, reminding ourselves of that wise man’s statement, has helped both John and me to relax more and even slow our hurried pace. We’ve actually allowed ourselves to cuddle up on the sofa after a hard day’s work, or sit on the porch rockers on a summer evening, or simply crawl into bed at peace, knowing that what got done got done. What didn’t get done, must wait until another day. What God enabled us to finish is… enough!
David said it to God in Psalms 31:15, “My times are in Your hands.”
I need to say that too, every day… “Lord today is Your day… every hour, every minute, every second. Help me to not take on things You don’t want me burdened with. Help me prioritize those things that are most important to You. Help me accomplish Your will, no more and no less. And in the midst of it all, sunrise through sunset, help me feel Your presence and Your peace that passes understanding. “
Ah…. It’s going to be a great day!