Take a Swig
Tiny little Judah Rao was tugged and pulled into this world on May 6. Even though he decided to come five weeks early, and the doctors had to almost wrestle with him to extract him via C-section, all is well and he is home and thriving. He made child #5 for our daughter and son-in-law and grandchild #6 for John and myself. Every new life is a miracle and Judah is no exception.
One morning I drove “Mommy” Monica into the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) so she could care for her little son throughout the day. As she settled into the rocker, with Judah cradled in her arms, it was obvious immediately that he had only one thing on his mind. His little lips parted, his head turned toward his mother and it was apparent that he knew exactly where the source of his next meal was.
“Amazing,” I thought, “this four-pound creature, just barely introduced to the world, knows instinctively that he must eat and who has the capability of feeding him.” I watched him twist and turn and wriggle and reach with his entire body, so he could finally begin nursing. “She represents survival to him,” I observed. “And not just survival, but also comfort, growth, love and safety.” He needed her desperately. It was intuitive, but it was desperation just the same.
And then I had another thought… “How dependent on the Lord am I for my survival, comfort, growth, love and safety? How desperately eager am I to receive Godly nutrition?” I have to admit that there have been times when I’ve gone so long without spiritual food, that I feel like I’m starving. I sense my soul shriveling and drying up. It’s a miserably empty feeling. Then I open God’s Word, and His strength begins to trickle into me. I need that sustenance so badly. Why in the world, do I wait so long between feedings?
Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good. (I Peter 2:2)
During the busy ten days I spent caring for our four older grandchildren while Judah remained in the hospital, I realized again the necessity of internalizing of God’s Word. When I became tired (I’d forgotten how demanding the role of a young mother is), I would stop for a moment and simply recite, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength!” It was like getting a good taste of high-power milk and it was truly energizing!
Admittedly a more lengthy session of reading the Bible and meditating on its truth is probably most beneficial to my Christian growth and maturity… just like an uninterrupted, extended nursing session is optimal for a baby. But I’ve discovered that even short, frequent swallows of Scripture throughout the day can be strengthening. Certainly they’re better than nothing.
So… today I’ll plan to settle comfortably into my Father’s arms and drink for awhile from His life-giving Word. And as I rush through the many items on my to-do list, I’ll purpose to pause long enough to mentally gulp down plenty of His Truth tidbits that make such a difference! Whether prolonged or brief, I believe those spiritual ‘’swigs” will be my survival!
Mmmm, mmmm… I do believe I’m getting thirsty just thinking about it!